Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


The interview was the standard interview fare. The interviewer had a list of questions to ask and he took notes. I was allowed to go back and change or amend some answers if I saw fit, but I decided to leave them as they were. What do you think? Would you recomend me for admission?

Q. Describe your career path thus far?
A. Ketel One, Sauvignon Blanc and on Friday nights, Jamison.

Q. Why are you interested in pursuing a graduate degree at this point in your career?
A. I have too much disposible income and time on my hands.

Q. Describe how you interact in a team setting.
A. Mostly passive aggressive with a touch of snark and underhanded backstabing.

Q. Describe how you would handle a conflict between two team members if you were their supervisor/leader?
A. Put them in the jello pit and make them fight it out.

Q. What community involvement have you had/do you have?
A. Mostly with the disadvantaged trust fund babies. You don't know how bad they've got it.

Q. How would others describe your leadership style?
A. On a good day, Bette Davis meets QE II. Piss me off and prepare for some unpleasantness.

So? I'm a great candidate, no?
