Oh shit.
That was the first thought I had when my boss sent me this email:
"Hi! Do you have time first thing Monday to grab some coffee and chat? Thanks!"
This could go two ways: she could fire me or offer me a full time job. I was crossing my fingers that it was the latter.
It was also the first thought I had when she placed the job description for the supermegahugeVIP position in front of me and asked me if there was any interest.
Oh shit.
It's a great job. With benefits. And tuition waiver. And lots o' responsibility. And underlings. And, did I mention, a real salary. One that would make my dream of buying brand name food at the grocery store a reality.
And I could totally do it. All of the stuff on the list is stuff I know how to do. It's just that there's So. Much. Of. It. Did I mention that I'd have underlings? And people to manage. And decisions to make. And power to be had.
But oh shit.
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