Puppy tales.
Where did I leave off? Oh yes, puppies. Sorry Heather, they aren’t the puppies you’re thinking of. I’m talking about the male half of our species.
Things with Bachelor #1 are pretty much over. Actually, saying pretty much is a nice way to say that we ignored each other for a few weeks and then we sort of broke up over the phone when he found out that I was on match.com. How did he find out? You already know the answer to that question. I say “sort of” broke up because we kind of did and I wanted to talk in person but then I got busy with school/life/puppies and forgot to get around to it. Shows you how much I was attached to the whole thing in the first place. It was a great relationship for the time in my life when I needed someone to distract me from the shit that was going on. For that I’m thankful. And over it. Because…
A few weeks ago I met a real young pup at Jordan’s (shocker, I was at Jordan’s). I thought he was 28, but turns out that he’s 24. He was cute and all but Jebus, the boy was 4 when I was in high school. That’s just so… wrong. But it was flattering to meet someone who found me attractive and wasn’t afraid to say it out loud. (Ahem, Bach #1) I’ve also met an elderly black man who said similar things. This was all starting to make me wonder about the puppies my age: what is it about these guys? They have an aversion to saying anything nice about a woman lest she think that he means “let’s get married and have six kids” when he says “you’re the hottest 34 year old I’ve ever met” (true quote of my 24 yr old puppy).
Alas, the timing wasn’t right with Jr. because, before it could go anywhere, he got carted off to the pokey for a mystery offense that equals 40 days incarceration. (Read: second DUI) Lord, he really is young.
Never fear, the puppy tale is not over yet… I told you about my GA who was trying to set me up with the older D.A.? Well he passed on my card and said D.A. made contact. Too late for the lawman because I met Someone. You read that right. That’s a someone with a Capital S. He’s so much a Someone that I don’t want to write too much about him. Except that he’s hott, can't stop calling me nice names, smart, can cook, does dishes!, and he makes me smile and giggle like a school girl. (tee hee) Time disappears when we're together.
Me and my girl posse are currently working on a nickname for The Someone. I'll take suggestions from the crowd just as long as they are clean.
Back to this match.com thing. So I’m on match and I paid for it... But I like this guy. A. Lot. Should I hedge my bets and stay on match? So far I’m unimpressed by the pickin’s. Maybe it’s because I met this guy offline. No computer aided dating required. We met the old fashioned way: at his ex-girlfriend’s house. The ex-girlfriend who is a friend of mine. (Awkward, non?) Maybe I’m just nervous that something this good could happen so soon. I’m kind of freaked out by the idea that I want to spend so much time with someone when I fought so hard to get where I am right now. Maybe I just don’t know anything at all.
I’m going with the last bit.
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