...and all I got was this lousy bottle of wine.
My connected friend J got us an invite to the Denver Broncos Darrent Williams' Fundraiser on Monday night. (Williams died in 2007 from a drive-by shooting on New Years Eve/Day. Tragic, terribly sad and tragic.) I didn't know that I was going the Broncos' event. She sold me the event like this: "do you want to go to a fundraiser where there is a lot of free wine and football players?" Um, yeah.
When I got there I realized, quickly, that I was duped. Duped I say, into attending an event with half the Denver Broncos football team and some of the Denver Nuggets basketball team. Damn her!
It was the typical silent and live auction-type fundraiser with fancy food and open bar. Oh, and professional athletes. Did I mention the professional athletes? At one point was chatting with a guy who happens to go to school with me (Schoolboy) and he kept looking away. I finally asked Schoolboy if he needed to go talk to someone. He did a double take and I looked over to where he was looking. It was Rod Smith. He then said, "oh sorry, you know when you're talking to a cute girl and someone famous walks by?" Me: is this supposed to be a compliment? Him: "I'm just torn between talking to you and getting my picture with Rod Smith." Me: I'm thinking you should go for Rod.
I also got excessively hit on by Wine Guy (no picture) who gave me a $45 bottle of Tempranillo as if it was no big deal. (I didn't know the price of the wine when he gave it to me. I looked it up on the interwebs when I got home.) He was a sweet guy but it was never going to happen... however, maybe I could just use him for his wine? After all, I am a drunken tramp with a wine habit.
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