Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


survived the season opener

My first tri of the season came and went. Oh, the water temp? Just fine. I felt bad for the people who rented/bought wetsuits just for this. Obvs, I survived. But not without technical difficulties. The night before the race gale force winds blew the buoys off course. The race folk didn't bother to put them back on course. What was supposed to be 800 meters turned into anyone's guess. (Mine: 900m) My arms didn't want to cooperate during the swim. I could feel the lactic acid building in my forearms not even halfway in. This forced me to use too much leg to complete the swim.

Then my bike. Lo! My darling, wonderful bike, A'mie, had some gear issues. I had taken her for a gear tune up the Thursday before the race. My bad for not riding her between tune up and race day. Mid-gears were malfunctioning. Kinda a problem. So my quads were none too pleased with me.

The run portion went really well, actually. One of my best times. I had three friends waiting for me at the finish line, which was really sweet. They got up early on a Saturday to watch my race when they really didn't have to. Sounds corny, but I'm blessed to have friends like that. They made up for the bad beer choice at the finish line. Who serves a dark lager in 90 degree heat?

All in all, I might do it again next year. I already signed up for a few more tris this summer. I'm also trying a "dip & dash" in a few weeks. Just an easy 750m swim and a 5k run. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a Tuesday night. Yes, I'm a little insane. But that's the fun part.