Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


happy birthday to me

Guess how Daphne's spending her birthday?

A. Crying
B. Working on a paper that's due tomorrow.
C. Both A and B.

If you chose C, you are correct. Things are a bit like h-e-double hockey sticks around the HQ these days. I've been writing in my super secret Wonder Woman diary a lot lately, the one with the little lock and key. This, of course, leaves less time for blogging. I'd feel obligated to fix that but my motivation is on the fritz.

No one said happy birthday to me at work today. I didn't mind. There comes a point when kindness is overwhelming to my senses. Let me focus on work lest the water starts flowing again. Actually, I think they think that it's tomorrow since they have a lunch planned for me. Bah.

At least I get to go to a wine tasting tonight. Happy wine tasting birthday.

Got to get back to option B. That paper ain't gunna write itself.