Waiting for my prof to post final grades. For those of you reading along, we finished finals last Monday. Before turkey day. The deadline to submit grades is 10 pm tonight. I called the registrar b/c my teammates were calling me wondering what happens if they aren't submitted by the deadline. "Nothing" was the reply. Our grades just post later. But I want an Oompa Loompa now daddy. Tell me what my grades are, now!
I have an A so far in both classes (same prof) but the team paper is worth 40% of our grade in one class and 25% of the grade in the other. My worst-case-scenario spreadsheet (yes, I am that big of a geek) tells me that my team can get an 85 on the paper and I'll still get my A's. Laugh all you want – my teammates did when I told them about the spreadsheet – but being a geek comes in handy sometimes. At least I'll know what to expect when my Oompa Loompa arrives. I earned one 95 and three 100s on my personal papers so I'm pretty confident in the writing. (I wrote the paper.) It's the content that makes me edgy. In a nutshell it lacked the well, substance, and say, direction, that most papers I write usually contain. It was more like this blog. Long on rambling and short on substance.
Must concentrate on work now. Grades and Oompa Loompa's will have to wait.
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