drive by tri recap
1. I met and was photographed with Nichole DeBoom (aka little tits) from SkirtSports. That's me (aka big tits) with her on Saturday. This. Was. Awesome! She is amazing and has so much energy. I have a girl crush on her.
2. On the day of the tri, I woke at 4:38 am with a migraine.
3. But somehow managed to beat my time from last year by 7 mins, 48 secs.
4. Those of you still paying attention, this means I finished in 2 hours, 1 minute, 9 seconds
4a. That's me (ˆ) flying by my official Team Daphne Photographer on the way to the finish. (note to Team Daphne: we need official t-shirts)
5. The only thing that kept me going at the end was the thought of the beer tent. Hey, I had a migraine, not dead.
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