Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


I've got skills, man.

I met with my darling mentee today for the second time. The first time I joked (?) that I really didn't have any tangible skills so we were both in trouble. Sure, I could work my way around a cordless drill, but that wasn't going to help her get a job. Well, lo! Behold! Looks like I was wrong. I'm also good at telling people how to move words around on a resume. Yesiree. Break out the champagne, I can edit a document!

Next time we meet we'll do a mock interview. For this I turn to you, my loyal readers and lurkers. What are some of the tough interview questions you've faced in your time? Otter, no high falutin' quantum rocket surgery questions. I'm not looking to impress anyone at a bar with my knowledge of pi squared divided by the sign of a hippopotamus.

Questions! I need interview questions!