USA, a division of Harpo, Inc.
We're watching the highbrow Entertainment Tonight last night while making dinner. There's a piece on Oprah touring New Orleans and crying, yelling, getting rather pissed off at what she sees. The voice over says that she is doing a special series of shows on the disaster and is really upset.
More than Big Oil, more than Halliburton, more than the religious right, the person they should never, ever, ever, ever piss off is the big O.
I look at hubby and say, 'uh oh, now they've done it, they've pissed off Oprah."
And he says, "That's a mistake. Now Oprah's gunna buy the government."
Somewhere in Mississippi, Oprah is standing there, irritated, checkbook in hand, saying "how much you want for it, bitches?"
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