Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


The Interview Game

My longtime six readers know that I never do memes of any kind. It's not that I'm too good for them, I'm just lazy. And weird. But I've been seduced by The Interview Game. Curses! Marilyn! So, here I go. De-laz-a-fying.

The Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

My Q&A from Marilyn:
1) If you couldn't have a beagle, what kind of dog would you own?
Um... huh... that's a tuffy. I *heart* all dogs, except those yippy kind and the tear your head off kinds. I'd have to go with a Weimaraner. They are so perdy.

2) What's your favorite apre-ski drink?
I'm torn between a Ketel One/tonic and a hard cider. Nope, got to go with the Ketel One.

3) What was an embarrassing moment that turned out to ultimately have a good result?
What sticks out in my mind is the one and only time I've been fired from a job. Not only was it embarrassing, I had no idea why I was being fired. Sure, most people say that. They told me that there was no reason, only that "I didn't meet expectations." To this day I don't know what that means. But it taught me that I can't depend on an employer for security or a future. It taught me to stop taking a job so seriously. To stop putting work before my own happiness. I learned to depend on myself a lot more and not to get too attached to any one job. It put me on the path to starting my own business, which I've successfully done. It was a hard way to learn all of it, but I'm glad I did. I would have never taken the risks I've taken if I never got fired.

4) Heels or flats?
Heels. They make me feel like a "strong, confident woman." I wear heels to all my professional events like networking and client meetings and I really notice the difference in how I feel and act.

5) If you could publish your own magazine, what would it be called and who would be your first cover subject?
Someone already beat me to it. Modern Drunkard Magazine, published right here in Colorado! Or I'd do "Nap Times" with a cover story on best places to nap in public, at work and around relatives, without getting caught or fired. And no, that wasn't why I was fired! ;)

Who's next?