Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


back to "normal"

The simple act of woeing and whining cleared some angst from my brain. Amazing. Maybe I should try it more often? Or maybe I should seek professional help? Naaa.

I feel more awake, excited and ready to get back in it. While I was busy venting my misery to you, dear reader, another client walked in the door. See? When one walks out, someone else takes their place. And, I want to work with these people. They are so much fun and well funded. I visited their swanky office downtown and got weak in the knees... they have Diet Coke on hand... in a can... just the way I like it... for free! Weeeee!

Does anyone else get that giddy feeling when someone tells you they like your work, they really, really like your work? It's enough to help lift you out of the mud, wipe off your face, have a cocktail and re-join the rest of society... 'cus everything is a-okay when you get a glowing compliment.