How To Make Things Happen.
From time to time in a graphic designer's life, one has to make impossible things happen. Like, say, a sign made in 3 hours. This can not be done! some would say. Alas, they don't have my special way of making things happen.
How does one make things "happen"?
All used at the right time, in the right way, and things mysteriously "happen" at the sign shop. Grumpy, gruff old bearded women suddenly perk up. The "cookie lady" just placed an order. Get it done now!
That's right, I'm talking about bribes. Bring 'em fudge for the holidays, take cookies every time you pick up a rush job, and you have 'em eating out of the... well, you get the idea.
Off to pick up my sign made in less than 3 hours...
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