Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


taking a half-day (plus Writing Friday!)

Edited to add in my contribution to Writing Friday (2:53pm):
Writing Friday: Food

Diary of a Left Over

Day 1: Moved into my new space. Kind of big, but it leaves me room to grow.
Day 2: Met a great bunch of guys in the crisper. They seem to be quite popular.
Day 3: Jug head moved in. Keeps talking about how she’s the “most popular gal in here.” Gaa.
Day 6: Feeling a little weird. Seems like everyone has a social life but me.
Day 10: The bunch of guys I told you about are gone and have subleased their space to the pink ladies. I think I’ll ferment something and take it to them to say, ‘hi.’
Day 15: The gals are gone. They didn’t want to talk to me. Said something about smelling funny.
Day 17: A Chinese guy moved in next door. He sure can tell a joke!
Day 20: It’s amazing how quick you can fill up a space!
Day 25: Really need to get out more... wait, what’s that? Me? You want me to go somewhere with you?


My dad, a small business owner and grumpy old man, always jokes about taking half days. He says things like, this Saturday I'll take a half day, you know, only work 12 hours. Har har. Now I understand the humor.

Today I signed up my third client with a realtor (cartwheel)! I also made an agreement to become the official public relations representative for my networking group. This means I'll be volunteering my PR expertise in exchange for free membership, beaucoup exposure on their website and publications, and instant credibility.

All the books, articles, advice out there says that you should pursue a career in what you would do for free. I firmly believe in my networking group; goodness knows, they have helped me in ways I can't repay. I am so excited for this part of my adventure. They have big plans and a great program. Their president is such a wonderful lady that I am honored to work with her to help them succeed.

On that note, I'm taking a half-day. Only 12 hours.