Daphne 3.0

Basking in mediocrity since 2004.


A day in the life of an aspiring superhero

A dear friend and client told me yesterday that I was her hero for leaving Cubeville for the land of the unknown. Hmm? Me? A hero? Nah. But I am working on it. If you're wondering what an aspiring superhero does all day, read on:

  • 7:30 am: walk wild beasts, avoiding brown land mines left in the park. Note to self: we should have a neighborhood summit on this health hazard. I could organize it. We could have coffee cake and chai. There could be handouts. In color.
  • 8:00 am: fire up Lucy (yes, I name my computers, doesn't everyone?), learn Apple has done it again with the mini Mac. Damn you Apple, I want.
  • 8:01-10:00 am: make calls, read business publications (code word for blogs), email some contacts, create business forms & research RSS for website. Note: does anyone understand RSS? Can you make it happen for me without any more brain leakage?
  • 10:30 am: get ready for lunch with vendor. Yippee! Pants that don't expand at the waist.
  • 11:00 am: vendor calls to cancel, all hell has broken loose at their shop. Experience brief moment of volunteerism... I've got nothing else to do today.
  • 11:01 am: moment passes
  • 11:15 am: open fridge, look Young's Double Chocolate Stout in the eye and scream "you're not pulling me down with you!"
  • 1:00 pm: assemble samples to send to potential client.
  • 1:30 pm: send resume and writing sample to freelance gig found on craigslist.
  • 1:45 pm: send estimate to my Sugar Daddy client for more work. I love you Sugar Daddy.
  • 2:00 pm: open fridge, look Young's Double Chocolate Stout in the eye and plead "stop talking to me, pleeeease!"
  • 2:01 pm: leave message with potential client.
  • 2:02 pm: leave message with potential client.
  • 2:03 pm: leave message with potential client.
  • 2:04 pm: leave message with potential client.
  • 2:05 pm: call restaurants near Park Meadows for networking group.*
  • 3:00 pm: organize Rolodex. Question: do you file people under their company or last name?
  • 4:00 pm: for the last time, open fridge, look Young's Double Chocolate Stout in the eye and say "aw hell, I work from home."
  • 4:30 pm: read blogs, ponder if addiction has gotten this bad.
* I have gone and done something so deliciously evvvil... I volunteered to coordinate the startup of a new networking group near Park Meadows. Bwaaa-haaaa-bwaaa-haaaaa! Future board president, anyone? Oh, why sure, if you insist.